Olga Talsma geboren op Schiermonnikoog te paard over strand en duinen, nu bos en heide in Drenthe. Daarom wordt haar werken vaak gekenmerkt door haar passie voor natuur en paarden. Maar ook maakt ze portretten van vrouwen waar allemaal de elegantie, kracht en de vrijheid in weergegeven wordt. Deze metaforen symboliseren ook ‘het paard’ voor haar.
Olga Talsma born on Schiermonnikoog on horseback over the beach and dunes, now forest and heath in Drenthe. That is why her works are often characterized by her passion for nature and horses. But she also makes woman portraits that all display elegance, strength and freedom. These metaphors symbolize 'the horse' for her.
Originally a graphic designer, Olga switched to craft work and found herself in painting and sculpting.
When painting, it is the different layers of paint, the loose touch, materials from nature and the feeling she puts into her work that characterize her paintings.
You can see this expressive way of working in her spatial work.
The most important conditions in art for Olga are inspiration and individuality in the work.
She regularly exhibits her work and enjoys giving art lessons and painting lessons at schools. She also gives painting workshops on request.
"I create what I feel, without imposed methods or theories, the image emerges gradually"
2020/2022 - Autonome beeldend kunstenaar
Kunstacademie Friesland
2018/2020 - Lessen Beeldhouwen
Hans Rikken
2013/2014 - Kunstzinnig dynamisch coachen
Kleine Tiki te Assen
2010/2013 - Lessen Kunstschilderen
Atelier 99 te Assen
2003/2004 - Mastering Webdesign
Co media opleidingen te Groningen
1992/1993 - Layout Editor
Idecom te Groningen
1990/1992 - Grafisch techniek en design
Grafisch lyceum Zwolle
2012/heden - Atelier Drenthe te Huis ter Heide
Beeldend kunstenaar / schilderworkshops / kunstlessen op basisscholen / schilderlessen / schilderprojecten
2000/2018 - Ontwerpburo Olga Talsma
Grafisch ontwerp webdesign Portfolio
1995/2000 - Reclameburo RAM te Niebert
Grafisch ontwerp
1993/1995 - Reclameburo GLMJ te Roden
Grafisch ontwerp
1992/1993 - Electronic studio te Groningen
DTP digitale vormgeving
1990/1992 - W.M Veenstra te Groningen
Grafisch techniek en design
1989/1990 - Repro de Poel en Co te Groningen
Drukwerk voorbereiding reprografie
2017/2018 - St. Kunstmomenten Noordenveld
2016/2017 - Dierenambulance Drenthe